Biker Myth Debunked:
When we hear the word "Biker", we picture a big tough looking guy with a black leather jacket and a body full of tattoos with an angry look on his face. Though
a biker can be totally different in reality. The "biker" world has changed since the early days of it's conception so don't believe everything you hear.
- Bikers Are All Criminals
Although we cannot deny the fact that some bikers and Biker Clubs don't adhere to the rules of law and order, the same cannot be said about those bikers that do try to respect the law of
the land. Although Biker clubs can be territorial they are not necessarily always involved in criminal activities. There are only a few instances in history where we come across news
reports about rivalries or shootouts among bikers clubs.
- Bikers Are Mean & Rude
Heavy traveling takes a toll on the Body and your overall health sometimes. The same happens with a biker. If you've interacted with a biker and found them to rude, they simply might be
tired from a long day's journey. In fact, being avid travelers, some bikers love making friends and knowing as much information about places and people as they can. And believe it or not
bikers and the biking community are the most giving people while holding fundraisers for Veterans, Charities, Toy Drives and people in need. Not to mention, a child will capture the
heart of a biker most of all. You'll find that the bikers and the biking community will step up to the plate more than any other organization once they find out a child needs help.
- Bikers Have a Lot of Tattoos
Getting a tattoo is a personal choice. Not everyone is interested in getting their skin inked permanently. There are fierce bikers who do not have a single spot of ink on their body. But
then there are also people who are doing a reputed day job but are covered in tattoos. So, it really comes down to personal choice if you want to get a tattoo or not. It is definitely
not a criterion to become a biker.
- Bikers Roam Around in Gangs
Now you have to admit that traveling in groups can be fun, but the same cannot be said for all. Bikers prefer the word "Club" even though they appear to look like a gang. Being a biker
does not necessarily mean that you have to be a part of a "biker club." Some of them prefer traveling alone, exploring the world without anyone, or going on a trip alone just to take a
break from their daily lives. Some bikers refer to themselves as "Lone Wolves' A lone wolf is a biker who prefers to be independent of any organized group or MC Club. The reason for this
decision usually lies in the fact that this type of biker does not like to be constrained by group/club rules. He rides on his own schedule, takes his own routes according to his own
preferences. There is usually nothing about the lone wolf's decision to go it alone that should have any negative impact on any MC club or visa versa.
- Bikers Don't Have a Day Job
People who hold a passion for biking have a pretty normal life and have jobs like most people, most come from decent backgrounds who take care of their own needs and make a
decent living to fund their travel plans and financially support their families. Some also start and run their own businesses in order to keep their own hours to take time out of their
busy schedules so they can ride, while others are so busy they just don't get to spend as much time riding as they'd like.
The Bottom Line is:
You've heard the term "Don't judge a book by it's cover" so if you get the chance, get to know a biker or two. You won't regret it!